Blog Update + TBT

Blog Update + TBT

I wanted to give you all some updates about the blog, followed by a TBT story.

First, I have added a Photo Gallery page to the website. This is a collection of some of my best photography, of which will be updated pretty often. With this, I removed the News page, simply because there’s no way that I can keep up with writing news articles that are up to date.

Next, I urge you all to sign up for my monthly newsletter. This newsletter is comprised of a featured recipe, a “Did you Know?” section, and a section telling what I’ll be doing for the month. To sign up, simply add your email address to the bottom of any page under “SUBSCRIBE”. The newsletter is released on the first Monday of each month.

And now, our Throwback Thursday story.

July 21, 2015

Usually roadkill is boring. Squirrels, rabbits, coyotes, and an occasional javelina.

When I saw a large bird in the road this morning, I was saddened. Raptors often become victims to power lines; SRP and APS estimate roughly a thousand raptors are killed each year from power lines, just in the metro areas.

Driving up, this was no raptor. It was a peacock. Pulling aside, I observed that the freshly killed bird had been struck by a car.

I figured the bird had to be someone's pet from across the street. Just in case, I pulled the bird to the side of the road.

(EXCUSE THIS POOR PICTURE, but I think you get the idea)
