Recipe: French Fries

Welcome to September! Our first post of the month is one that provides a recipe from the great country of France. What is it, you may ask? A fantastic hollandaise? Or maybe a soothing béarnaise? Or what about some savory chicken cordon bleu? None of the above…


French fries

Yes ma’am, everyone’s favorite salty, luxurious, fried potato is coming to your computer/phone screen. This recipe is as basic as they come, and offers a variety of possible alterations to match your taste buds. With this recipe, feel free to season with just salt, OR spice it up with your favorite spice mix. Personally, I’ve found that your favorite steak seasoning can provide for some very, very good tasting fries. With this particular day, I chose TwistedQ Insane Steak Cracked Pepper Seasoning. This seasoning has a high dill seed ratio, which I wasn’t sure if I would like. However, paired with some Buffalo Fried Fish and some tartar sauce, these fries were absolutely fantastic.

French Fries Recipe

2 lbs Russet Potatoes

Water as needed

Salt or other seasoning mix

3 Quarts Canola or Vegetable Oil

1.)    Begin by cleaning the potatoes thoroughly

2.)    Once potatoes are cleaned, cut into strips. I prefer my fries to be larger (roughly ¼” x ½”), but make them as small or large as you’d like, just be sure that the size is consistent for even cooking.

3.)    Place cut fries directly into a bowl of water. “Wash” the starch off of the fries, swishing them around with your hands. Drain the water and fill the bowl back up with water, so that all fries are submerged.

4.)    Let sit for at least 30 minutes, but up to 24 hours. This washing process removes as much starch as possible, resulting in a more crisp fries.

5.)    Bring oil to 325 degrees F (about Medium). Carefully drop about 2 handfuls of fries into the hot oil. Using a metal utensil or spider, assure that the fries do not stick to the bottom or to one another.

6.)    Cook for 3-5 minutes and remove from hot oil using a spider or strainer. Repeat until all fries are par cooked. Fries should be translucent.

7.)    Once all fries are cooked, increase oil temperature to 375 degrees F (About Medium-High).

8.)    Once again, drop about 2 handfuls of fries into the hot oil. Cook until they are crisp and golden brown, about 3-6 minutes.

9.)    Once done cooking, remove from oil and season immediately with salt or spice mix.

10.) Repeat final cooking process until all fries are cooked.
