A Welcome to All

I welcome you to the first ever post by Jake’s Tails, Tales, and Tips on an official website. For those of you that don’t know, my Facebook page was a relatively popular page that documented my ventures in the outdoors, though my most recent post was about 2 years ago.

I invite you all to come with me as we venture down the dirt path of the great outdoors, where of which we will discuss topics regarding hunting, fishing, gear reviews, game cooking, and much more. This blog will be where I discuss, vent, and educate about all that I know because, as I always say, if you’re willing to learn, I’m willing to teach.

With this as our first post, I figured I’d set the stage for my upcoming hunting season thus far. This fall will be the most action-packed season I’ve ever had, and hopefully I’ll be able to properly relay my excitement to you all.

To begin, my season starts with a mid-August black bear hunt. I’ve never hunted bears, but I’ve been studying and learning as much as I can about them. Saying that I’m excited is an understatement, though the Arizona heat will be dreadful.

Next, November holds a deer hunt within the southern half of Arizona. I haven’t been drawn for deer in quite a few years, and I’m ready to put some venison in the freezer. I was a solo drawee of this tag, so I’ll be hunting alone for this one. Upon these 2 milestone hunts in my season, predator and small game hunts will litter my months with hunting.

Once again, come along as I chronicle these hunts to you all. I’ll be doing my best to portray my emotion and the moments through words, and through a computer screen. Feel free to browse the new website; there’s also a News page that has up-to-date outdoors news articles for those of you that want to stay on top of the industry.

As always, share the page with your friends and family, and feel free to reach out with any topics of discussion. Until next time…